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Friend of Tortoise Exclusive

A world in crisis: who foots the bill?

A world in crisis: who foots the bill?

This event is exclusive to Friends of Tortoise

in partnership with Centre For Disaster Protection

In a time of increasing unpredictability, polycrisis is the word of the moment. In the face of economic uncertainty and looming debt crises, soaring inflation and energy prices, food insecurity, aftershocks of the pandemic and increasing frequency and impact of climate-related shocks and extreme weather – the world is facing great turbulence. People in lower-income and climate-vulnerable countries face the greatest risk.

There is much discussion on the global stage of how to respond to accelerating debt, climate, and disaster risk, and whether the institutions of the 20th Century are fit to address the challenges of the 21st Century. And who should be on the hook to pay.

As momentum behind the Bridgetown Initiative gathers pace and ahead of negotiations in Paris this June on a new financial pact between advanced and emerging economies, this Thinkin asks: How do we build a more equitable international finance system fit for purpose, to address the polycrisis?

Can innovative thinking on climate and development finance help breakthrough solutions when what were once considered black swan events now represent the new normal? And how do we ensure those most vulnerable and at-risk are protected?

Join us in this ThinkIn to explore how we transform our approach to crisis finance. 

The Centre for Disaster Protection works to change how the world plans and pays for disasters. We partner with others from across sectors and around the world to drive more and better disaster risk finance that leaves no one behind. The Centre is funded with UK aid through the UK government.

editor and invited experts

Jeevan Vasagar
Climate Editor

Ekhosuehi Iyahen
Secretary General, Insurance Development Forum

Gayle Smith
CEO, ONE Campaign