Design an "I Voted" sticker with ONE!

Design an "I Voted" sticker with ONE!


Election Day is coming up on November 5 and ONE wants to see your spin on the classic ‘I Voted’ sticker!

To enter the contest you must:

  • Create an original sticker design. You can use software like Canva or Photoshop, but AI tools are not allowed.
  • The design must be circular in shape, measure 2”x 2” and be a .JPG or .PNG file.
  • It should incorporate elements around civic engagement, which can include voting, advocating, and ONE’s mission. Our brand guidelines can be seen here
  • Your design must be uploaded and submitted at the bottom of this page no later than 12:00am ET on October 5, 2024. No submissions will be accepted via email.

ONE is a non-partisan organization so any design that features an election candidate, party messaging, or imagery will not be considered and will be disqualified from the contest.

You can click here to see the full contest rules. By submitting your design, you agree to our terms and conditions and consent to us using your design on ONE’s website and social media channels.

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